Saturday, March 05, 2005

Utah Discovers Illegal Aliens Have A Right to Hide

This just in;
Illegal aliens living in Utah are being discriminated against by taking away their driving licenses. I think the key word here would be ILLEGAL. I would have more sympathy for their plight if they had entered the country legally.

According to Leo Bravo, director of Hispanic Center of Cache Valley, legal and otherwise; the new law just passed by the Utah legislature, which would replace driver's licenses previously issued to illegal aliens with "driving privilege" cards, is equivalent to the marking of the Jews(with yellow stars is assume) by the Nazis. Read the story here.

Leo, I have toured the concentration camp at Dachau and believe me, you owe every Jew an apology. NOTHING could ever equal what the Nazi's did to the Jews. Well maybe what some middle eastern terrorists would like to do, but I doubt it.

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