Here is my take on the situation.
First, this is assuming you believe in God to begin with. If you don't believe in God, then the sky, or the pit, is the limit.
For those that believe homosexuality is not sinful and believe in God, I think the logic goes something like this;
All things are from God. God is good.
Ergo, homosexuality is from God, and good.
God made Satan and his angels. Does this mean that Satan's behavior is acceptable by God?
I don't think so.
Why did God create Satan in a way that allowed him to make a decision God didn't like?
God allowed Satan and his angels to make choices. They chose to be self serving instead of serving God and disobedient instead of God serving and obedient. God found this unacceptable. Satan and his angels paid the price for their decision by being cast out of Heaven.
I don't fully understand how this was part of God's plan, but I believe that it was.
I believe people, like angels, are allowed to make choices too. We, like Satan and his angels, will someday be judged for the choices we have made.
Concerning Choices.
I have read the research theorizing that homosexuality is due in large part to genetic predisposition. I agree that the majority of homosexuals are in this category.
Whether or not the genetic code directs someone to be homosexual or heterosexual, they still must make a choice to follow that path. The choice to follow heterosexual urges is easier to follow culturally because it is more acceptable. There is no social stigma attached to heterosexual urges unless the are completely unrestrained.
Homosexual urges are another matter. The culture is battling this out right now. Is it acceptable and moral or vice versa? I believe the urge does not justify the act when it goes contrary to what the Bible teaches. I understand there are differences of opinion about the authenticity of the Bible and the existence of God. For my discussion, I will compare the Biblical to the world view.
I am approaching this issue with the belief that God would not ask of us what would be impossible for us to give. He asks us to choose to be holy and to repent from our sinful behavior. The sin is in the embracing of our sinful desires. This is not limited to homosexual behavior.
Not embracing or acting on our sinful desires may make some uncomfortable, but there is always a choice to be made. We choose the time, the place, the partner and then act. Not acting on sinful desires will be difficult, but it is possible with our effort and God's help. A member of my church recently addressed the congregation about his being rescued from the homosexual lifestyle by the intervention of the Holy Spirit. It can be done.
My opinion here is that we are all guilty of most of the prohibitions taught in the Bible. Either by thought or deed, we are guilty. We have thought about it, or done it, or both.
The fact of genetic predisposition makes it easy to say that someone just can't help it. If a person is coded genetically to be a homosexual, then to some extent they are able to rationalize their behavior by saying I am not responsible for my actions. God made me this way. He wants me to be this way. I don't have a choice. Therefore society has no right to say my behavior is wrong. If it is not wrong, then there should be no discrimination against me. Sexual orientation has been elevated to the same legal status as physical disability or ethnicity. We have laws that prohibit treating people negatively because of these states of being.
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
You will find several verses that say that God considers homosexuality to be an abomination. It also says that people who engage in such behavior will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It also mentions that fornicators will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven either. To state it simply, sex outside of marriage, with an unrepentant heart, will leave you standing at the station when the last train pulls away.
The Fairness Requirement
Some enlightened critics of these Bible verses have an explanation that nullifies what the Bible teaches.
There are standards of fairness that God must adhere to.
Since it would be unfair for God to keep people from going to heaven because they;
Are having sex with members of the same sex, or
Are having sex with someone other than their spouse, or
Are people who are really good people but are not Christians,
The Bible must be wrong.
How can the infallible Word of God be wrong?
The critics have an explanation here too.
It isn't God's Word. God didn't write it. Men wrote it. Maybe they were inspired by God, maybe they weren't. Who is to say? Me. You. Them.
Not only that, men decided what books to put in the Bible to begin with. They didn't put in anything that would disagree with their own notions about God. Talk about stacking the deck.
So I have as much right to interpret these teachings as any of the fathers of the early church. I am not obliged to follow any directions that can not be shown to have come directly from the mouth of God directly to me. (Especially if it does not agree with what I think is correct.)
There is some good stuff in the Bible that it is positive to believe in. I can take the good stuff and leave the bad stuff. The bad stuff is anything that tries to convict me or make me change my ways.
It's Cafeteria Style Christianity.
Here are some examples.(Try to have a sense of humor okay?)
Loving your neighbor as yourself?
Good idea! Well maybe. I love myself a lot. I might have some love left over for my neighbor.
Forgiving all my sins?
This is great, a bill that doesn't have a "due by" date. A get out of jail free card! God understands that I can't help it.
Not covet my neighbors wife?
Have you seen her? What a horseface! That's an easy one. Besides, I'm a homosexual and I don't covet her anyway.
Judge not lest ye be judged?
This is one of the best ones. This means I can do anything I want and you should have NOTHING to say about it. Wonderful idea! (Actually it is a little bit different than they way it is interpreted by most folks. It depends on whether one is inside or outside the church)
Though shalt not steal?
Well, God didn't write the tax code. The LORD giveth and the IRS taketh away. I'm claiming everything I'm entitled to and every other deduction I think the IRS won't verify.
Thou shalt not kill?
I don't like confrontation. Can someone explain why did God sent the Israelites to kill the inhabitants of the promised land? Now that REALLY was not fair. David killed Goliath. Very confusing, but I like it anyhow.
Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me?
As long as we can agree.
Pursuit of Happiness Vs. Freedom of Religion
I agree that people should not be discriminated against for whom they choose to love.
I also think that people have a right to protect their family from what they consider to be immoral influences.
If, in the pursuit of freedom of religion, people choose not to have their children exposed to homosexuals as teachers, cub scout den masters or pastors of churches, how should they go about doing that? Withdraw from society? Convert to Islam and move to Saudi Arabia?
1 comment:
I just wanted to say that I read your post and found it interesting. I'm not ready to agree or disagree, but it was thought provoking. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
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