Friday, January 07, 2005

Why elected officials don't always answer to the voters

When was the last time you contributed money to ANY politician's campaign?
Does NEVER sound about right? That's what it would be for me.
If you aren't giving any money to politicians to finance their run for office, where do you imagine the money comes from?

Some of it comes from their own pockets, but most comes from PAC's and donations to the National Party made by special interests. If those contributions don't buy influence, why in the wide world would those special interests want to give away millions of dollars to people who aren't going to listen to them and/or do what they want?

I admired the frankness of Charles Keating, who headed Lincoln Savings and Loan in the 1990's during the savings and loan crisis. When asked by a reporter if he thought his donations to the campaigns of various senators had bought him any influence, his reply was "I certainly hope so". He had to go to jail anyway, but the carrers of Congressmen Cranston, Reigle and DeConcini were cut short by the scandal.

Actually, I have to lower my voice here. My sister told me that I sound arrogant. Maybe I am arrogant. It's hard to judge for me to judge. Judge for yourself.

So, maybe most politicians aren't part of an elaborate sheme to lie to us, tax us and then pay back their buddies. It could be that they are incompetent.
Would the results be about the same?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must, reluctantly, agree. Corporations, PAC's, etc., donate equally to both sides, so they don't have to worry about a winner.