Saturday, January 29, 2005

Grateful to be protected by American Soldiers

I just wanted to say a few words about what I feel for my brothers and sisters serving in the military.

First, I'm biased. I am an Army Viet Nam veteran. I know a little of what it's like to be in the position that many of my fellow soldiers are in. I call them MY fellow soldiers because I really feel that they are my brothers and sisters. I don't care what branch of service they are serving in. We share common experiences. We share common feelings for what we have been through.

Second, I know that when you're up to your neck in crap, it's difficult to remember that the reason you are in that position is for someone else's gain. All you know at the time is that it's crap, it stinks, and you want to get out of it.

Having the benefit of over thirty years of "aging", allows me to dull some of my memories, shake off some of the crap that still clings to me, and see things in a more enlightened way. At least I hope I've been enlightened.

This I say to all of you who are in harms way;
I pray for you every day. I pray for angels to be all around you, protecting you.
I pray for you to have skill in battle.
I pray for your minds to be protected from the awful things you have to see.
I pray for your families to be comforted by the Holy Spirit, and to have their worries put to rest.
I pray for you all to be brought closer to God, so that if you are lost to us , you will next awaken in His presence.
I pray that this war will be over soon, and you will all be home safely with your families.

No matter what the outcome of all this fighting, your sacrifice has been worthwhile. You will have "run the good race".

One more thing; NEVER be ashamed of your service.

God Bless you all.

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